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Going all-in on renewable energy

Renewable energy is the way forward

by tbhdesk

As fossil fuel sources decline globally, and especially in light of the very recent energy crisis we barely managed to evade, it is becoming more and more apparent that green energy is the solution to a sustainable future.

Which is why China’s recent statement on their plans to extend support to Bangladesh on the renewable energy front is extremely encouraging. According to reports, the Chinese vice-minister of foreign affairs announced their eagerness to strengthen their partnership with Bangladesh in various sectors including green energy.

Considering the progress China has made in terms of renewable energy production in the last decade, this is the kind of cooperation opportunity we ought to seize, in order to meet our own goals of switching to a primarily green power solution.

Not only was the energy crisis last year a harsh wake up call to the vulnerable state our traditional sources of energy are in, there is also a more pronounced global acknowledgement of the implications that fossil fuels continue to have on our climate.

As many nations across the board adopt green solutions to this impending dilemma, we can expect strengthened support from China in this regard as a promising development that can assist us to better utilize the natural resources at our disposal for a safer future.

It is imperative, therefore, that we see this partnership through till the end, and establish a sustainable and environmentally-friendly approach to power generation that matches our needs.

Renewable energy is the way forward, and with the right amount of devotion to the cause, soon we can expect to see our energy woes come to an end.

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