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Towards stronger ties with Switzerland

by tbhdesk

We too must prepare to match the Swiss with regard to professionalism and efficiency

Among Bangladesh’s most strategic developments as it climbs the rungs of the economic ladder has been its renewed prioritization of international diplomacy; staying true to Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s dictum of “friendship to all and malice towards none” and embracing it as a foreign policy mantra, we have seen our leaders and diplomats try and strengthen not only existing relationships, but forge new ones.

To that end, we are encouraged to hear of plans to take the bilateral relationship between Bangladesh and Switzerland to greater heights — and hope that the various areas that the two nations can work together on be explored with attention and detail.

There is no questioning the pedigree Switzerland brings as one of the most advanced global economies, and there are a myriad of avenues where Bangladesh could do with its assistance; as such, what is important from our end is to engage with our Swiss counterparts and devise the best possible course of action for strategic collaboration.

Vast, ever-relevant areas such as cybersecurity, anti-trafficking, corruption, migration, skill development, ICT, SME development, and climate change are just some of the high level issues where Swiss support will go a long way to assisting us.

However, if we are to take this relationship to the next level, then we too must prepare to match the Swiss with regard to professionalism and efficiency. It is only when we are able to carry ourselves at the level of some of our more prominent partners will we be taken seriously and such collaborations will realize their full potential.

Bangladesh’s emphasis on strengthening ties with nations near and far is to be commended. It is sure to serve as one of the cornerstones for the prosperous Bangladesh we wish to build.

Source: Dhaka Tribune.

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