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Prioritizing the safety of our rivers

by tbhdesk

With the nation at risk of losing one of its most valuable resources, it is good to know that the government is developing a masterplan to protect the rivers in and around Dhaka from pollution

Rivers have always been an integral component of Bangladesh’s very design. However, the hundreds of rivers across the country have, unfortunately, been in danger of severe hazards like pollution, river erosion, and encroachment.

These not only impact the aquatic ecosystem and the environment, but are also a massive threat to the lives and livelihoods of thousands of people dependent on these rivers.

With the nation at risk of losing one of its most valuable resources, it is good to know that the government is developing a masterplan to protect the rivers in and around Dhaka from pollution.

The authorities have urged all those involved to be more cautious in the treatment of rivers, and to make concerted efforts to effectively reduce water pollution.

While definitely a good step initiative, the protection of rivers has unfortunately not been treated as a priority in the past, leading to significantly larger damage to our water bodies.

To that end, it is imperative that the masterplan is not only implemented carefully, but that we are rigorous in our efforts to protect our rivers moving forward. This includes preventing illegal encroachment and erosion, along with a thorough clean up of all waterways.

It is especially important at this point in time to pay closer attention to the state of our rivers — as climate change becomes a more and more aggressive threat to the world, losing our rivers would be a greater devastation to our country than we can currently comprehend.

We hope that the government’s initiative is carried out successfully, and that the authorities continue to identify and improve upon all the factors that may be a threat to our rivers. We must not neglect an integral part of our identity any longer.

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