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Our RMG sector Leeds the way

by tbhdesk
Last year, over 30 garment factories received Leed certifications

Our RMG sector has seen a number of wins as of late, but none of it is perhaps more important than its steady march towards sustainability. Recently, the sector observed its 200th Leed certification endowed by the US Green Building Council (USGBC) — as 13 out of the 15 top, global Leed green factories are located in Bangladesh now.

Last year, over 30 garment factories received Leed certifications, this is especially impressive considering that a mere decade ago our RMG industry was making international news for all the wrong reasons. From tragedies such as the Rana Plaza collapse to poor and often hazardous working conditions being the default in too many factories, it is nothing short of a miracle that we now have as many as 500 factories in the pipeline for a pending Leed certification.

This is doubly important considering our economic goals and the fact that, as a nation, we are one the frontlines of climate change. Industry wide adoption of practices which focus on efficient energy usage and environmental damage mitigation by the biggest sector of the country shows that economic progress does not have to come at the cost of environmental integrity.

In this regard, the RMG sector has transformed itself into a benchmark for the entirety of the national economy. As Bangladesh doubles down on industrialization to meet its economic ambitions, the RMG industry is sure to play a role as a beacon for a better tomorrow.

However, there is yet more work to be done on this front. The sector needs to hold foreign buyers accountable for its lack of cooperation when it comes to pay. If the sector can continue on this trend, however, it will not only become a benchmark for other local industries to aspire to reach, it could also establish itself as the de facto player in the global garment supply chain.

Source: Dhaka Tribune.

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