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How are we still not prepared for cyclones?

by tbhdesk

Cyclone preparedness is not a one-time endeavour

The recent devastation caused by Cyclone Hamoon served as a stark reminder that when it comes to cyclone preparedness, we still struggle, and this is simply not acceptable.

There is no reason for lives to be lost to cyclones in 2023, and it is a shame that we lost at least three. Furthermore, reports suggest that local residents found themselves unprepared. While the aftermath is the all-too-familiar finger pointing and blame game, it is clear to see that whether it be a communication issue or a lack of planning, the expected reaction to the impending cyclone fell well short – and this has resulted in the loss of lives and property that could have been prevented.

What this tells us is that the importance of cyclone preparedness cannot be overstated. Pre-planning and readiness are absolutely crucial to saving lives and minimizing destruction. Bangladesh is no stranger to cyclones; our long history of battling cyclones have provided us with invaluable lessons such as the need for early warning systems, evacuation plans, and community training. While these have significantly reduced casualties over the years, we have to do a better job to improve our preparedness.

What is often not spoken about enough is that the work doesn’t end when the cyclone strikes. After the storm, immediate relief efforts are essential. Rescue teams should be ready to provide aid and assistance. Medical facilities should be well-equipped to treat injuries and illnesses. Ensuring clean drinking water and food distribution is crucial to prevent post-cyclone health crises.

Cyclone preparedness is not a one-time endeavour, and for our nation, we experience them with alarming frequency, which is why getting caught unprepared is simply not acceptable.

Source: Dhaka Tribune.

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