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Deepening our friendship with India

by tbhdesk

Passports are judged based on their ability to offer the maximum possible number of visa-free travel destinations

The authorities’ proposal for visa-free travel between Bangladesh and India is the next logical step in a friendship that has not only stood the test of time, but was crucial in the birth and recognition of Bangladesh as a sovereign nation in the first place.

Both nations are important strategic partners not only for mutual socio-economic benefit but also as important stakeholders in maintaining regional stability. As such, closer ties between the nations not only make sense but are crucial for long-term stability in the region.

There have been a number of movements between the two nations in recent years; India has been heavily invested in Bangladesh’s fuel and energy sector while bilateral trade has also been on the up, with Bangladeshis making up a huge portion of the clientele of shopping hubs like Kolkata. Similarly, a significant number of medical tourists in India are from Bangladesh, and for them to face visa hassles every time cannot be a viable, long-term solution for either nation.

On an international scale, Bangladesh has been making a number of moves for stronger diplomatic ties. From nourishing existing relationships with nations like Japan and various European countries to making first contact, the authorities have done a fine job when it comes to the creation of strong, sustainable relationships.

After all, nations are often judged based on the power of their passports, and passports are judged based on their ability to offer the maximum possible number of visa-free travel destinations. On that front, if this recent proposal goes through, this will be a great boost for the nation as a whole, opening up a whole new dimension in the friendship between the nations involved.

Again, kudos to the authorities for proposing this. Hopefully, our Indian counterpart sees the benefits of such a proposal and follows suit. The world is becoming increasingly interconnected. Nurturing old relationships and making new acquaintances is the only way forward.

Source: Dhaka Tribune.

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