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August, the month of mourning begins today

by tbhdesk

August, the month when the nation lost its greatest leader, Bangladesh’s founding president Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in 1975, begins today.

The August 15 carnage is the darkest chapter in the nation’s history, as some disgruntled army personnel not only assassinated the nation’s founding father but also killed most of his family members.

The self-confessed killers did not even spare 10-year-old Sheikh Russel on the dark night.

Sheikh Mujib’s daughters Sheikh Hasina and Sheikh Rehana survived as they were in Germany at the time.

The nation, with a heavy heart, observes the month of August as the month of mourning, recalling the barbaric killings.

Different political and socio-cultural organisations, including the ruling Awami League and its associate bodies have chalked out a month-long programme to observe the month of mourning.

Source: New Age.

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