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Yangon’s streets become battleground

by tbhad

The TBH Desk

Reports from urban revolutionary groups and residents indicate a recent surge in resistance attacks against regime targets in Myanmar’s commercial hub, Yangon, over the past week.

This escalation comes in defiance of the junta’s heightened display of military hardware and troop presence in the city, the Irrawaddy reported citing sources on the ground.

The attacks follow junta troops’ efforts to reclaim positions at schools in various Yangon townships, responding to coordinated anti-regime offensives, including Operation 1027, initiated in late October in upper Myanmar.

Urban resistance groups, determined to intensify their actions, have called on Yangon’s residents to steer clear of military targets and share information about regime activities in the city.

Reports from urban revolutionary groups and residents indicate a recent surge in resistance attacks against regime targets in Myanmar’s commercial hub, Yangon, over the past week.

This escalation comes in defiance of the junta’s heightened display of military hardware and troop presence in the city, the Irrawaddy reported citing sources on the ground.

The attacks follow junta troops’ efforts to reclaim positions at schools in various Yangon townships, responding to coordinated anti-regime offensives, including Operation 1027, initiated in late October in upper Myanmar.

Urban resistance groups, determined to intensify their actions, have called on Yangon’s residents to steer clear of military targets and share information about regime activities in the city.

One such group, Nga Moe Yeik Mission Network, claimed responsibility for the killing of U Than Tun, the chairman of the New National Democracy Party, a party associated with the military-backed Union Solidarity and Development Party.

U Than Tun, who had led a pro-regime rally in Yangon city center on February 1, 2021, was reportedly involved in advocating for the execution of detained pro-democracy activists.

The People’s Defense Force (Khayan) reported using drone bombs and 40-millimeter explosives to target regime forces at multiple locations in Yangon’s Khayan Township on Thursday morning, without disclosing details on casualties or damage.

Another attack on Thongwa Township resulted in damage to the police station and injuries to a junta policeman.

PDFs in North Okkalapa allegedly deployed three bombs on Thursday night to attack regime forces stationed at a high school in the township.

Meanwhile, Urban Special Operation claimed responsibility for bombing a commercial compound owned by military-controlled Myanma Economic Holdings Ltd in Yangon’s Insein Township, causing damage to a truck and an office building.

Yangon Army, another resistance group, reported attacks on regime forces stationed at the offices of the junta-run Electric Power Cooperation Department in North Okkalapa and South Okkalapa townships on November 23 and 24, urging civilians to avoid regime targets.

The junta continues to face persistent attacks from People’s Defense Forces (PDFs) and ethnic armed organizations across various regions, losing multiple bases and towns in upper Myanmar since the launch of Operation 1027.

More than 500,000 people have been displaced across Myanmar since the launch of “Operation 1027”, according to the UN.

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