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UN has no special position on the election of Bangladesh

by tbhad

Diplomatic Correspondent, Dhaka

The United Nations (UN) has not taken any separate or special position on the twelfth national parliament election of Bangladesh. As the general elections are held in other democratic countries of the world, the United Nations is looking at this election of Bangladesh from the same point of view. As a result, the organization is not sending any observers to the Bangladesh elections following its normal practice.

UN does not send observers to inspect any elections and will follow the same policy during the upcoming national elections in Bangladesh, Stéphane Dujarric, spokesman for UN secretary general António Guterres, made the disclosure in response to a question at a press briefing on Friday.

This is the second time for the UN spokesmen convey the same message towards the upcoming election of Bangladesh.

Citing the government’s commitment to holding a free, fair, and inclusive election, a reporter sought to know if the UN is planning to send observers to Bangladesh during the upcoming polls. In response, the spokesperson said, “No. The United Nations in very recent.. . I mean, my memory, without a specific mandate, no longer sends observers.”

The reporter earlier asked about the UN’s stance on recognising the genocide during the liberation war in Bangladesh in 1971.

The spokesperson, however, declined to comment on an event that took place long ago. He also clarified that it is not for the UN secretary general to designate an event as genocide; rather, it is up to competent judicial authorities.

Meanwhile, another journalist sought to know about the government’s recent letter to the UN seeking its support and whether the secretary general is aware of the government’s preparation for another ‘one-sided election.’

Spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric said he is yet to see the letter and, at the same time, reiterated optimism for a free, fair, and credible election in Bangladesh.

Dr. Imtiaz Ahmed, an international relations expert, feels that the UN has made it very clear time and again that they have no particular agenda regarding the Bangladesh elections. They are also talking about staying within the general policy. This means that they are not giving any negative message about Bangladesh election yet.

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