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‘The Rain is Raining All Around’

by tbhad

Staff Correspondent, Dhaka

This nature is like the line of Robert Louis Stephenson’s famous poem – The Rain is Raining All Around.

Only clouds and clouds across the sky. It rained all day in all parts of the country, some drizzle, some heavy rain.

It is not rainy season now. But the main reason for such weather is the effect of strong cyclone ‘Migzaum’.

However, the Meteorological Department says that the strength of the cyclone is gradually decreasing. Rain and clouds will disappear from next Sunday. Then winter will come.

According to the latest special bulletin of the Meteorological Department, the four coastal sea ports have been asked to lower the signal. All fishing boats and trawlers operating in North Bay of Bengal and deep sea have been asked to proceed with caution till evening.

Cyclone Migzaum is a tropical cyclone, the fifth cyclone of the season in the North Indian Ocean in 2023. The name Migzaum is given by Myanmar. It is a Burmese word meaning ‘a large, powerful eagle’.

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