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Israel’s attack on UN Secretary-General’s speech is unacceptable

The OIC said in a statement on Wednesday

by tbhdesk

The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) condemned in the strongest terms the unethical and illegal attack by Israel, the occupying power, against the United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, as an act of political blackmail against the UN and its Secretary-General.

The OIC issued a statement in this regard on its website on Wednesday.

The OIC considered the Secretary-General’s speech at the Security Council to be in line with his duties and responsibilities derived from international law and international humanitarian law, as well as from the charter and resolutions of the United Nations.

The OIC also expressed its profound respect to the Secretary-General for the role of the United Nations agencies and their tireless efforts at all levels to stop the war crimes being perpetrated by the Israeli occupation against the Palestinian people, their land, and holy sites.

Source: The Daily SUN.

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