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Dialogue will only be considered if BNP withdraws conditions: Quader

by tbhdesk

Rejecting the issue of holding any conditional dialogue with BNP, Awami League General Secretary Obaidul Quader today said dialogue will only be considered if BNP withdraws its conditions.

“If BNP withdraws its four conditions, the issue of dialogue will be considered,” said Quader while speaking at a press briefing at the Secretariat here today.

Obaidul Quader, also the road transport and bridges minister, came up with the remarks as the US pre-election observation team recommended that political parties should be engaged in meaningful dialogue to ensure a credible and violence-free national election in Bangladesh.

He said BNP put forward the four conditions – resignation of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, dissolution of parliament, resignation of the Election Commission and holding polls under a non-party caretaker government.

“We will think about dialogue when the BNP withdraw its conditions . . . We’ve no thoughts on a conditional dialogue,” he added.

He said they have no objection to the recommendations of the US pre-election assessment mission which has made five recommendations as a roadmap for progress toward credible, inclusive, participatory, and non-violent elections.

Quader said with whom BNP will hold dialogue if the Prime Minister resigns. Earlier, BNP rejected proposal of holding dialogue with the President, he said, adding that they (BNP) did not join dialogue with the Election Commission twice.

“There is a solution in our constitution . . . election will be held as per the provision of the constitution, not at the suggestion or directive of anyone,” he said.

The ruling party general secretary said election will be held in a free and fair manner and, as a friend country (USA), they send election observers to see what we are saying about holding a free and fair polls.

Replying to a question, he said an election-time government will be formed after the announcement of the polls schedule and the size of the cabinet of that government will be determined by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

Source: The Daily SUN.

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