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Professor Yunus Issue and the Dignitaries’ Drama

Dr. Rashid Askari

by tbhad

The recent joint statement by 170 global dignitaries in support of Professor Yunus has triggered a backlash from the people of Bangladesh. It represents unwarranted meddling in Bangladesh’s legal processes and domestic politics. While it is understandable that well-intentioned individuals may wish to show solidarity with a Nobel Laureate, it is essential to scrutinize the implications of such actions. The signatories of the statement do not seem to have a complete understanding of the complex issues surrounding Professor Yunus and his legal troubles. To support him without a nuanced sense of the situation risks undermining the rule of law and the justice system in Bangladesh, and may lead to a breakdown of law and order. True support for the professor should involve a thorough knowledge of the issues at hand and a respect for the sovereignty of nations. In this way, the principles of justice and self-determination can be upheld, ensuring a fair and equitable resolution to the challenges facing him within his homeland. It is crucial to respect the legal processes of a sovereign nation and allow them to unfold independently. In addition, the statement is aimed not only at providing support for Yunus but also at blasting two previous elections in Bangladesh and warning the government about upcoming elections which, not by any manner of means, falls within the jurisdiction of this long line-up of Nobel laureates and dignitaries. Besides, several sources have made allegations that the international dignitaries’ support has cost a lot of money.

Professor Yunus is not with an unblemished reputation in Bangladesh. Many see him as a symbol of wealth accumulation and bank interest mongering, rather than a selfless champion of the underdog. His image has been tarnished by allegations of tax evasion, which have landed him in legal trouble. Instead of addressing these allegations head-on, Professor Yunus appears to be leveraging his Nobel status to escape the tax evasion trial, which has not gone unnoticed by the Bangladeshi public. The global dignitaries’ statement fails to acknowledge this internal dissent and instead paints a one-sided picture of his character and achievements. The idea that foreign influence is being wielded to bolster Professor Yunus’ political aspirations in Bangladesh raises questions about the sovereignty of nations and the principle of non-interference in domestic affairs. Bangladesh, like any other country, should be free to determine its own political destiny without external pressure. The joint statement by these global dignitaries inadvertently sends a message that their voices carry more weight than those of the Bangladeshi people. It is essential to remember that the Bangladeshi population, not international figures, will be most directly affected by the outcome of Professor Yunus’ legal troubles and any potential political endeavours. In light of these concerns, it is paramount for the international community to exercise caution and restraint when involving itself in the affairs of a sovereign nation.

The timing of the joint statement is conspicuous. Issuing such a statement in the midst of Bangladesh’s pre-election period suggests a political motive. It gives rise to the perception that external actors, especially the United States, may be attempting to influence the political landscape in Bangladesh. Bangladesh’s elections are critical moments for the nation’s democratic process. Any external interference or perception thereof can disrupt the integrity of the elections and undermine the trust of the Bangladeshi electorate in their own political institutions. Bangladesh has a history of complex political dynamics, and external interference has, at times, exacerbated tensions. Therefore, the joint statement should be viewed in light of this history, with due consideration for the potential destabilizing effects on the country’s political climate. The joint statement’s timing and content may raise doubts about the democratic processes in Bangladesh. It is essential to respect the country’s sovereignty and allow its citizens to make informed decisions during elections, free from external manipulation.

External interference can have unintended consequences. It may polarize political factions within Bangladesh, disrupt peaceful elections, and even lead to potential conflicts or disputes that can destabilize the nation. External statements of support for a particular individual or group can be perceived as taking sides in a domestic political contest. This perception can harm the reputation of the United States and other signatories, as it may appear that they are intervening in favour of one political faction over another. Instead of issuing joint statements, external actors should focus on diplomatic channels and support for dialogue between the Bangladeshi government and opposition parties. It is essential to respect Bangladesh’s sovereign right to choose its leaders and determine its political future without external influence or pressure. This principle is fundamental to international relations and the principle of non-interference.

Interfering in the internal prosecution process of a country from other nations raises important ethical, legal, and political concerns. Nations are built on the principle of sovereignty, which entails that each country has the right to govern itself without external interference. Interfering in a nation’s legal processes disregards this fundamental principle and challenges the very essence of national sovereignty. In addition, allowing foreign interference in one country’s legal proceedings can set a dangerous precedent for other nations to follow suit. This could lead to a chaotic global landscape where nations openly intervene in each other’s internal affairs, potentially leading to conflicts and disputes.

Different countries have different legal systems, cultural norms, and values. What might be seen as just or unjust in one nation, may not fully align with the beliefs and practices of another. Interference from outside can overlook these nuances and impose foreign values on a nation. Interference in a nation’s legal affairs can strain diplomatic relations between countries. It can also lead to tensions, retaliatory actions, and the breakdown of communication, making it harder to address global issues cooperatively.

It is not desirable to interfere in Professor Yunus’ trial when the Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina herself is openly inviting global dignitaries to observe the neutrality of the proceedings without being judgmental from a distance. Respect for the invitation to observe and engage with the trial process through diplomatic means is a more responsible and constructive approach, aligning with principles of justice and international diplomacy.

The writer is former Vice Chancellor of

Islamic University Bangladesh

Source: The Daily Sun

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