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CDA to build modern junction to ease traffic flow in Ctg

by tbhdesk

The Chattogram Development Authority (CDA) is set to construct a state-of-the-art tunnel junction at the entrance of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Tunnel in Patengato efficiently manage the traffic flow originating from three mega projects.

The Tk 6.48 billion initiative, part of the “Chattogram City Outer-Ring Road Construction Project,” is expected to streamline the flow of both goods and people through the city.

“We have initiated the consultancy firm appointment process, and tenders for physical work will be floated within two months,” CDA Chief Engineer and Project Director (PD) Kazi Hasan Bin Shams told the Daily Sun.
The modern junction is scheduled for completion within two years and aims to capitalise on the benefits of the trio of mega projects underway.

These include the Bangabandhu Tunnel, Chattogram City Outer Ring-Road Construction Project, and a 16-Km Elevated Expressway from Lalkhan Bazar to Chattogram Shah Amanat International Airport.

Project Director Shams noted the exponential increase in traffic, particularly in the Patenga area.

“Due to several export processing zones, the Matarbari Deep Seaport project, and the influx of tourists to Patenga Beach, the existing intersection near the tunnel mouth is under significant pressure,” he said.

With an annual increase in vehicle traffic by fifteen percent, the current infrastructure is ill-equipped to handle the escalating congestion.

“The modern tunnel junction will mitigate this issue, allowing for smoother traffic flow,” he added. Sources indicate that these projects are not only geared towards improving traffic conditions but are also designed to bolster the city’s resilience against natural disasters like tidal surges.
The Bangabandhu Tunnel will be formally inaugurated by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on October 28.

Meanwhile, the Elevated Expressway project, which is eighty percent complete, is set to open in November this year.

In addition to the mega projects, the 17-Km Chattogram City Outer Ring Road from Patenga to Sagorika was opened to traffic around three years ago. A connecting road from the Chattogram Export Processing Zone (EPZ) to the Ring Road is also under construction. Sources said that the modern tunnel junction will be developed as an extension of the same project.

The undertaking has not been without its share of scrutiny. Experts had previously questioned the efficacy of the mega projects, citing concerns over a single intersection at the tunnel mouth that would have to handle thousands of vehicles from various points in the city.

“The intersection would have been an utter bottleneck, making it more difficult and time-consuming for vehicles coming from the tunnel, Outer Ring Road, airport, Kathgarr, and Patenga Beach to navigate,” experts observed.

In light of these challenges, an 11-member committee, led by the Chattogram Metropolitan Police Commissioner, was constituted to recommend the most effective solution for unobstructed traffic flow. After several deliberative meetings, the committee recommended the development of the junction as part of the CDA’s ongoing project.

The Detailed Project Plan (DPP) for the junction was subsequently approved by the Executive Committee of the National Economic Council (ECNEC) in June this year.

Project Deputy Director (DPD) and CDA Executive Engineer Rajib Das expressed confidence that the new intersection would resolve the anticipated issues.

“None of the vehicles from these five critical and busy points will have to wait or cross each other once the junction is operational,” he said.

To facilitate one-way traffic, the junction will feature U-loops, underpasses, and roundabouts. Das also assured that traffic through the existing intersection would remain uninterrupted during the construction phase.

The modern junction promises not only to enhance Chattogram’s infrastructure but also to resolve the impending traffic woes that have been a source of concern for city planners and residents alike.

Source: The Daily SUN.

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