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Bangabandhu statue to be erected next to Padma Bridge

by tbhdesk

An internationally acclaimed statue of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is set to be erected at Kanthalbari, adjacent to the old ferry ghat, in Shibchar, Madaripur, right beside the Padma Bridge.

The site will also feature various state-of-the-art amenities, including a museum. In this regard, Liberation War Affairs Minister AKM Mozammel Haque conducted a site visit on Saturday.

Visiting the project site at around 11:30am, the minister said: “The establishment of a statue commemorating Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the father of our nation, should have been undertaken long ago. I apologize for the delay. Nonetheless, this endeavour will alleviate our national duty towards Bangabandhu to some extent, despite the delay.”

The envisioned statue will be of international stature, designed to attract both local and international tourists to the site, the minister added.

He further stated: “People from all corners of Bangladesh, including future generations, will come to witness the statue of Bangabandhu. Similar statues grace various countries around the world, including the United States and India. Our endeavour will be captivating and engaging. Moreover, an internationally equipped convention centre is also in the works, intended to offer a host of facilities.”

Elaborating on the rationale behind the statue’s location, the minister added: “The Padma Bridge is a symbol of immense pride for the Bengali nation. By situating the statue adjacent to the Padma Bridge, we can seamlessly combine two essential elements. It will be a dual attraction for both domestic and foreign tourists. Visitors will have the opportunity to behold the majesty of the bridge while also marvelling at the grandeur of the statue and convention centre. The banks of the Padma River will be a focal point of intriguing experiences.”

Echoing this sentiment, Chief Whip Noor-e-Alam Chowdhury said: “A Bangabandhu statue beside the Padma Bridge will draw people from every corner of the nation. Witnessing the statue in conjunction with the Padma Bridge will evoke profound emotions. The minister’s choice of location is truly splendid, and we extend our heartfelt gratitude to all involved.”

Source: Dhaka Tribune.

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