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Are strategic mega-projects key to electoral success?

by tbhdesk

It is conceivable that these projects could provide advantages

A recent article featured in the Financial Times drew my attention. The report, titled “Bangladesh’s Prime Minister Pins Re-election Push on Mega-Projects,” highlights the PM’s strategic focus on utilizing these transformative endeavours as a cornerstone of the re-election campaign. It underscores her shrewdness in harnessing these projects for the betterment of Bangladesh’s future.

While some experts in the report raise concerns about specific economic indicators, they nevertheless recognize the profound and wide-reaching impact of these initiatives. An essential question now arises: Will these projects indeed wield a transformative influence on electoral outcomes? It is conceivable that these projects could provide advantages to the incumbent ruling party.

Lately, the Bangladesh government has embarked on a series of monumental endeavours, encompassing the elevated expressway in Dhaka, the third terminal of Hazrat Shahjalal Airport, and the train service on the Padma Bridge. The underwater tunnel under the Karnaphuli river is awaiting its inauguration on October 28.

This strategic focus on infrastructure, along with energy and technology represents a forward-looking approach that transcends short-term gains. The government’s emphasis on these pillars underscores a commitment to creating a robust foundation for sustainable growth, one that will yield dividends for future generations.

The deliberate emphasis on mega-projects transcends immediate economic gains; it’s a strategic move that has ignited a multifaceted surge in progress. Beyond the impressive GDP figures, this emphasis has led to the creation of thousands of jobs, bolstering livelihoods and securing futures for countless individuals.

The resonance of these megaprojects within Bangladesh’s communities cannot be overstated. The tangible benefits, from streamlined commutes on the elevated expressway to the enhanced travel experience at Hazrat Shahjalal Airport’s new terminal, have not only transformed daily lives but have also ignited a collective sense of pride and optimism.

This surge in infrastructural development has ripple effects that reach far beyond mere convenience; it signifies progress, a tangible manifestation of the government’s dedication to the nation’s growth.

As the electorate approaches the upcoming elections, the choice to support a leader who has spearheaded such monumental change is clear. Capitalizing on the benefits of these megaprojects is not only prudent but imperative for the ruling party. Disseminating information about these transformative initiatives to the electorates is a crucial step in ensuring that the public understands the tangible impact of these projects on their daily lives.

It serves to bridge the gap between policy implementation and public perception, allowing citizens to see firsthand how these endeavours directly benefit them. By effectively communicating the positive outcomes and long-term advantages of these megaprojects, the ruling party can foster a sense of trust and confidence among the electorate.

This transparency not only bolsters the party’s credibility but also reinforces the belief that their leadership is committed to the nation’s progress and prosperity. Ultimately, it is through informed and engaged citizens that the true potential and value of these megaprojects can be fully realized.

The mega-projects spearheaded by the PM have not only elevated the nation’s economic standing but have also instilled hope and optimism in the hearts of millions. As the country looks forward to the upcoming elections, it does so with the knowledge that its trajectory towards prosperity is firmly on course.

It is anticipated that voters will recognize the significance of these initiatives and extend their support to the incumbent ruling party in the forthcoming election.

Pranab Kumar Panday is a Professor in the Department of Public Administration at the University of Rajshahi.

Source: Dhaka Tribune.

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