Home » Detail » Oil discovers in Sylhet gas field, flows 35 barrels per hour

Oil discovers in Sylhet gas field, flows 35 barrels per hour

by tbhad

Special Correspondent, Dhaka

Oil has been discovered in the Sylhet gas field. This oil was discovered in the first level by drilling well number 10 here. Experimentally the oil flow was found to be 35 barrels or 159 liters per hour. New gas discoveries were made at three levels in the same well. The drilling of this well started two months ago.

Minister of State for Electricity, Energy and Mineral Resources Nasrul Hamid gave this information in an emergency press conference at the Secretariat on Sunday. He said, on the first day, 70 barrels of oil rose in two hours. Closed for now. Stock must be ensured. It is expected that the next 20 years will benefit from this. Already the oil extracted from the Sylhet mine has been sent to the laboratory.

In the press conference, it was informed that excavation was completed at a depth of 2,576 meters in Sylhet No. 10 well. 4 layers of gas are found in this well. The bottom layer tested from 2540 to 2550 meters yielded 250 million cubic feet of gas flow and a flowing pressure of 3250 psi.

Reserves range from 43 to 100 billion cubic feet. Another good gas layer is found at 2460 to 2475 meters, where testing is expected to yield 250 to 300 million cubic feet of gas. Apart from this, the presence of gas is found at 2,290 to 2,310 meters.

It further states that if simultaneous production is carried out at a depth of 2,540 and 2,460 meters, it will continue for about 8 to 10 years and the weighted average value is about 850 crores. If produced at the rate of 20 million cubic feet per day, gas can be produced for more than 15 years.

Earlier in 1986, the country’s first oil was discovered in Haripur. It lasted for 5 years. At that time the API gravity was 27 degrees. This time, the presence of oil at a depth of 1,397 to 1,445 meters in the new well of the Sylhet gas field was known on December 8. Initially the API gravity was found to be 29.7 degrees.

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