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EC says ‘No’ to AL on 10 December Rally

by tbhad

The TBH Desk

The Election Commission (EC) did not allow Awami League to hold a rally on December 10 in Dhaka.

Dhaka Metropolitan South Awami League wanted to hold a rally on December 10 at the south gate of National Mosque Baitul Mukarram. Dhaka Metropolitan South Awami League Office Secretary Md. Riaz Uddin said, they did not get permission to hold this rally, Election Commission did not give permission.

It was said by the Metropolitan South Awami League that the rally will be held to demand speedy trial of BNP-Jamaat’s ‘terrorist force’. It will be attended by the family members of those killed and injured in the fire-petrol bomb attack.

Awami League General Secretary and Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader will be the chief guest in the rally. The central leaders of the party will participate in it. But in the end, Awami League did not get permission to hold this rally.

Dhaka Metropolitan South Awami League Office Secretary Md. Riaz Uddin said that a discussion meeting will be held at the Dhaka District Awami League office in Tejgaon of the capital on December 10.

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