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BNP leaders, activists facing hardships like refugees without a country: Rizvi

by tbhad

The TBH Desk

The BNP leaders and activists across the country are going through a tough time, party’s Senior Joint Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi said Wednesday.

“BNP leaders and activists are facing immense hardship, akin to refugees without a country. They are left destitute and unsupported,” he said at a virtual press briefing on Wednesday (29 November).

The BNP leader alleged that a huge number of their supporters have faced dismissals and job stagnation over the last 15 years.

“The state no longer guarantees the security of life and property of its citizens. Presently, it seems that only Sheikh Hasina embodies the state,” Rizvi said.

He also called upon party leaders and activists to unite to make the ongoing anti-government movement a success.

The BNP leader also claimed that more than 365 leaders and activists have been arrested across the country in the last 24 hours.
He mentioned that a total of 14 cases have been filed against the partymen during the period.

More than 5,695 leaders and activists were arrested and 189 cases were filed against them since the announcement of the election schedule, Rizvi added.

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